These Pickled Jalapeños have become a staple in our house. I make these in summer when Jalapeños are in season and super inexpensive.
They have a sweet, hot, sharp taste that is perfect to top your Mexican favourites and add a beautiful acidic heat to your coleslaw. Once you have them you will add them to everything!
I use sterilised jars and fill with hot brine and store in the fridge. This method isn't shelf stable. I like the way the Jalapeños retain a bit of crunch this way.
The tricky thing with pickling recipes is that there is always variation that is hard to factor in... How thick you slice the jalapeños, how tightly you pack them in, the size of your available jars etc. For example; the exact recipe below filled jars totalling ~1400ml capacity, whereas 1kg of jalapeños needed double the brine and filled jars totalling 2300ml capacity.
Despite this, I do always try to make the brine recipes adaptable - so you can scale up and down as you need.

W H A T Y O U N E E D:
Sterilised jars
Fermentation weights (optional but highly recommended)
700g Jalapeños - sliced thin
2 cloves of garlic
70g sugar
20g salt
250ml white vinegar
250ml water
1. Prepare your Jalapeños and pack them tightly into your sterilised jars. Don't worry if you have a few bits that won't fit, they shrink in the hot brine so you can squeeze a few more in!
2. Place all remaining ingredients in a covered pot on the stove and heat until everything is dissolved, hot and steaming.
3. Using a funnel or ladle carefully fill the jars with hot brine, leaving ~2cm at the top. Distribute the garlic cloves between your jars. Using a pounder or utensil gently push the jalapeños down to help remove any air bubbles and create more space (if you have a few more slices to squeeze in!)

4. At this stage I use a Fermentation Weight. Don't have one yet? Grab a pack here. But don't worry, you can keep making your jalapeños - they just won’t last as long as the pickle may be a little less even. I use this method with all of my smaller batch pickles because they're destined for the fridge.
**Don't do this if you're planning on canning your pickles.
5. Seal the lid on your jar and allow it to sit at room temperature to cool until it is safe to handle and move into the fridge. With this method they can be eaten straight away, but I suggest you leave them for a week or two. The longer they're left, the more pickled they become and the yummier they are! Over time the Jalapeños soften a bit and take on more of the brine.
The brine also takes on flavour from the peppers and can be used by itself - I add it to salad dressings for heat and acidity.
Now you're ready to go! Don't forget to get in touch if you have any questions and tag your pictures with #fermentandpickle so I can see your success!
Happy Pickling 🙂